David Muñoz Velazquez es autor de Arte Digital.
Forma parte de una pléyade de artistas que han crecido al amparo de las técnicas más tradicionales, pero que han sabido sumar con sabiduría e intuición todo el arsenal que se les ofrece mediante el uso del ordenador. Sumar y sumar para conseguir trasladarnos a, en el caso de David, un mundo totalmente personal, a veces onírico, a veces inquietante y siempre contundente. Un arte, el digital, que a pesar de la ingente producción existente, permanece relegado a un público minoritario, pero que de seguro, conquistará a todo el que tenga la fortuna de descubrirlo. Y la obra de David es de esas que abren camino y van a hacer cambiar la forma de observar de muchos. Porque además produce con profusión y comparte sus hallazgos y su talento con generosidad. Su maestría al mando de programas como Zbrush o Photoshop, queda más que patente en cada una de sus obras. Lo mejor, que encima es una gran persona, y que nos asombrará cada vez más y mejor . Gracias David.
David Muñoz Velazquez is a Digital Art author.
He is part of a plethora of artists who have grown up under traditional techniques, but have successfully pooled with wisdom and intuition the entire arsenal offered by computers. Add more and more to get moving on, in the case of David, an absolutely personal world, sometimes dreamlike, sometimes disturbing and always forceful. A kind of art, the digital one, that despite the huge existing production, remains relegated to a minority audience, but that is sure, will appeal to anyone who is fortunate enough to find it out. And the work of David is one of those that breaks through and is going to change the way of looking for many. Because he also produces profusely and shares his findings and talent generously. His mastery with programs like Zbrush or Photoshop, it is more than evident in each one of his works.
The best, that in addition he is a great person and will amaze us more and better. Thanks David.
How sweet! Just like a skunk! NOTHING beats the snuggles and love a skunk can give! Hope this helps to educate people and make them realize how sweet they can be. Too often they are miroddesstuon. Laws NEED to be changed on pet skunks. Long live ALL skunks!!!